Hello! We're a small guild who is playing SoD to have a good time with friends. We consist of some Retail Cutting Edge Raiders, Mythic raiders, and people we have met in SoD along the way. We're very easy going and laid back. We recognize that this is Classic, and it isn't terribly difficult so we don't "sweat" over things. But, we are still efficient and clear content.
Our current only set raid time is, Wednesday, 9-12PM EST (As needed for Prog). All raids get cleared in an efficient time pretty quickly into a tier for us. We typically hold optional raid nights on Sun, and sometimes Tue/Fri for other things such as ZG, AQ10, etc.
We use a 2 SR system and don't do anything crazy. Loot is pretty straight forward and we prioritize having a good time over loot. That being said we do look out for each other and make sure loot goes to people who need it and the right specs. Everyone is easy going about loot and oftentimes we pass loot to others if they need it more. We do not utilize GDKP and will not ever use it. We do have limitations on high value weapons. Weapons, if say you got Ashkandi as a Warrior, and next week the 1H BIS sword drops from Chromagus, but other melee players don't have a top tier weapon yet, you will not be allowed to roll on that 1H sword unless no one wants it. The point is so that everyone can get a fair chance to get a high value weapon.
If you think this is a good fit for you or you have questions, please feel free to reach out! We are very easy going and have a good time. Tolias in game, or Tolias in Discord.
Discord: Tolias Battle.net: Tolias#11911
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